Electronic Message Center

The Value of an Electronic Message Center (EMC)

Signs have been used by businesses of all shapes and sizes for centuries. In the past few decades, one particular type of sign has become increasingly popular: the electronic message center (EMC). Powered by advanced technology and vibrant LED displays, these signs are extremely effective forms of marketing and advertising. They allow you to send a custom message to your customers or community whenever you please through the easy-to-use software. Whether your goal is to increase your impulse business or provide a better experience for customers within your store, an EMC can help support your goals.

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Types of EMCs

We offer EMCs in a wide range of sizes and capabilities for either indoor or outdoor use. Our EMCs are made of durable materials, vibrant and long-lasting lights, and feature beautiful displays for the biggest visual impact. You can choose from tri-color, or full-color options—letting you send messages through text, graphics, animations, and even full-motion video (full-color only). The indoor versions are great for advertising specials or directing customers toward a certain area in your store. In contrast, the outdoor versions can help you catch the attention of anyone in your community and invite them to check out your store.

About Our Sign Company

Signtronix is a nationwide sign company, providing custom signs for businesses all over the United States. We’ve been supporting businesses with their marketing and advertising goals for more than 50 years, with the help of sign representatives across the country. If you’re interested in new custom signs—electronic or plastic—for your business or organization, give us a call to get connected with a Signtronix representative in your area.