The Perfect Communication Tool for Your School

The perfect communication and marketing tool for your school is an LED message sign + electric lighted branding sign.  LED message signs are powerful and easy to add and change messages with easy-to-use software.  You can pre-program messages for each day of the week, weeks in advance.

The uses for the LED message sign is virtually limitless.  Let’s take a look at some of the many ways you can communicate with your students, parents, staff and surrounding community.

Of course your students have many activities taking place each week, and you as the school administration have many reminders and messages that need to be communicated to them.  The LED message display is the perfect way to send out those reminders to your students:

  • Dances and fun events
  • Sporting events
  • Special testing or academic activities
  • Birthday and other special days
  • Special group or team achievements
  • Much, much more!

All of these messages help your parents and staff remember these important events and milestones as well.

Do you have special fundraisers every year?  Don’t forget to promote them on your LED message display well in advance so you let your surrounding community know about it as well.

Your school sign is much more important than most realize.  It’s the perfect communication tool and conduit to your students, parents, staff and community.

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